其實好多人都唔知Aliencat 呢個品牌系外星貓系2008年創立,當初系系台灣做網上T-shirt 的,後來番左香港,就系2010年做左印章品牌名。
Many people didn't know the story of Aliencat, it is a online T-shirt brand i established in 2008 while living in Taiwan, then it become the brand of my Handcarved rubber stamp in 2010 when i come back to Hongkong.
Aliencat become the main character in my creation in 2019 finally, the 1st card i my series of Aliencat crossover Hongkong Metal gate pattern.
When Aliencat decide to live in earth, 100 year in earth is only equal to 1 day in outer space. Therefore, Aliencat has been living in the earth for a hundred years now, it has pretend to be different human during all these years.
Why Hongkong metal gate pattern again ? because aliencat want to show ppl art is all around us, in daily life.
Available at JCCAC Handicraft Fair on June 8 & 9